Tuesday, September 18, 2007

autumn season

pumpkins !!!


erry said...

Pumpkin remind me of Halloween.Halloween is near the corner,it's fall on the 31st of October.i m sure they r starting to decorate the shopping complex now.right? have fun ya...

erry said...

dun simple pick the maple leaves there.b careful, nanti kena saman pulak...

erry said...

please ask someone to help u take photos la, u must b inside the photo to prove u r there ma.ok? please do take some of the local ppl there..we will b wondering no other ppl stays there.

Eunice said...

yea... u urself must appear in the photo -_- always food n trees only -_-

my cam fly to US w/o me :( apala...

erry said...

i had attached some of your photos to 5 ko , n ah mm. they ask u to take care n please snap as much photos as u can.anything also sart.u can on the heater in your room when u feel cold. how is your first day at work? smooth? how are your US colleagues? friendly? is it far from the hotel to your company? please tell more,ok? coz i m the one who need to report to our relatives,ok?

erry said...

please fully utilize eunice's camera,ok?

jesslynn said...

hey hanloon, how are you getting on there? :D

Eunice said...

hanloon no reply to comments 1... -_-"

Loon said...

i'm fine thx :)